For the last few weeks I have been working towards a new goal. I have had this image of becoming a fitness competitor in my head for well over a year now and realized that, no I'm not old, but I'm not getting any younger and the longer I put this off the more difficult it was going to be. I have been doing a lot of research and trying to determine the right macronutrient ratio, the right lifting split and the best way to get the most out of my cardio. I have determined I need to drop a few pounds and about 5%-8% body fat, which is going to be the real test of my capabilities. Yes, I have helped hundreds of people work on losing weight, and they have been successful, but this new trail I am embarking on is at a higher level that I am figuring out as I go.
The first week or so of my program I had a macronutrient balance of 40% protein, 30% carbs and 30% fats. I could not handle that, not enough carbs for me to function properly in society, meaning I was cranky due to the low blood sugar. So I switched my macro balance to 40% protein, 40% carbs and 20% fats which so far has been working wonderfully. My lifting split is pretty much a single muscle group each day, with a few days of HIIT. I'm trying not to do to much cardio first off so I don't run out of tricks in my bag later on down the road. I started taking creatine. Trying it out to see what happens to my body. After about a week I like what its done so far.
Now, after officially starting my program I have lost about 4 pounds but have not been able to break 20% body fat....stupid machine. I am using the hand help bodyfat measuring device, which can have a slight error to it, but I don't want to use that as an excuse as to why the body fat is not going down. I have definitely seen quite a difference visual as to the transformation my body has gone through, the definition in my arms are noticeable and my core is definitely slimmed down. I bought a skinfold caliper, which tends to be a bit more accurate when you have someone taking measurements who has some experience with them. Now to find someone who has experience with them.
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