Although I'm hungry, this transformation is amazing. Every morning, I wake up and notice something different with my physique. It's pretty neat. We've been on the 1250 calories for almost 2 weeks now and within the first 10 days I lost just over 2 pounds. Just so people don't get false hopes, that is a unreasonable amount of weight to lose on a normal diet being so far along into the diet. However, as we are quickly approaching show time, it is expected for us to lose most of our weight in these last few weeks.
My mood resembles that of a hormonal pregnant lady, I fluctuate pretty consistently between irritation to excitement to blank stares of confusion. I'm hungry most of the time, so to ease that I workout. If I'm not busy with clients, or eating, I will be doing some kind of activity. I'm still doing at least 2, if not 3, workouts a day. Mostly to keep myself busy and mind off of food. This week I added 2 days of fasting cardio. Now, I know that with fasting cardio comes the potential for losing some muscle, but I am in the last 2 weeks of trying to lose as much body fat as possible, I'm going to take that chance. I am drinking a double dose of BCAA before/during the cardio to try and preserve whatever I can. I think I will be ok and noticed a difference in my physique since doing those workouts.
One of the other ladies and I went to a competition this past weekend to get a better idea of what a show actually looks like. It was a small competition, which we believe ours will be as well, and to be honest the girls didn't look that impressive. Actually there were a few girls who I was questioning whether they even worked out or not!!! Made us feel a little bit better about where we are in our prep. We also visited that University of Buffalos Art Center where our competition will be taking place just so we could see the stage we will be walking around on. Pleasantly enough that stage wasn't as big as I had imagined, nor was the viewing area.
I had my husband measure my body fat with a skinfold caliper the other day. This is basically the only measurement I have done, aside from weighing myself. He measured me at 17%. Now, I'm not sure how accurate that is, I'm pretty sure its close to that, but it is quite discouraging to know that within the last 10 weeks I only lost 4% body fat. From research I've done I guess that is what is normal, they say 2 weeks for every 1% body fat that needs to be lost. Apparently we needed to start our prep a few weeks earlier. I wanted to get down to 14/15%, but being realistic I will be happy to lose 1% more in the next 2 weeks and get down to 16%. Most figure competitors go between 10-12%, I can't really picture myself being that low.
I have recently been working more on the post-competition plan. I do have quite a day planned for after the second competition I am doing in Plattsburgh!!! But 24 hours is all that's allowed post-show in order to make sure you do not mess your metabolism up for months. I have been planning a reverse diet that slowly reintroduces calories and carbs, maintains a good amount of proteins and fats and have a few cheats here and there. I have also planned out 2 weeks worth of workouts. It is suggested that you slowly lower your cardio duration each week until you reach your normal off-season amount of cardio. I am looking forward to regaining some flexibility in diet, but am still trying to determine what my new norm is going to be. You can't go through 14 weeks of competition prep and return to your pre-prep lifestyle. I'm not going to have put all of this work in and lose everything I've gained. I have to establish what it is I consider normal for my physique and what parts of prep I want to continue to do. I'm not going to lie, I'm scared to finish this prep and am hoping that my will power is strong enough to actually follow my routine since I won't have any show to worry about doing. They say will power is like a muscle, the more you use it the stronger it gets. Here's to hoping.
And just an FYI, McDonalds is not in the post-competition refeed plan, Moe's is.
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