Wednesday, September 11, 2013

I figured something out!!!

So after so many weeks of experimenting with diet and exercise, something has finally come through with a bang! As of a week ago today I started "carb cycling". After doing lots of research I established that by cycling your carbohydrate intake it shifts your body into fat burning mode more efficiently. Essentially you take 3 days and eat a lower carb diet, something that consists of 20% of your caloric intake from carbs. Now because you are lowering your body's preferred source of energy, and to balance out your macronutrients, you intake a higher percentage of fats and protein. I changed my fat intake to about 30% and my protein intake to 50%. The protein needs to be that high in order to make sure your body draws from your fat storage instead of taking undesired fuel from your muscles. On the 4th day you intake a higher carb count, switching to about 50% carbs, 30% protein and just 20% fat. This allows your body to replenish some energy and some glycogen storage and to keep your body guessing. You continue this process for 3 weeks, much longer than that and you might have adverse effects.

Today being my 8th day of the cycling process I have established that I am a huge fan of this technique. I have lost just under 4 pounds and an entire percent of body fat. Now, those of you who have worked with me before on losing weight know how long it takes for body fat to come off so I'd say that is a substantial amount for 1 week!

A couple things I though about prior to starting this program:
1) I thought, because carbs are a huge source of energy for the body, that I would be tired and cranky all the time. Realization: I have not noticed any loss in energy, more so that the usual tiredness I feel from workouts. I have had a few days where a second coffee has helped, but wasn't always necessary. I noticed, however, that due to a lack of glucose (brains source of function) I felt a little more aware of everything around me, sort of in a trance I guess you could say. Which to me seemed a little strange at first, but I figured it was ok because my brain wasn't going a million miles a second so that was nice!
2) I also though about how over the last few years I've noticed how my blood sugar makes me act. I need to eat every few hours and usually need some source of carbs in order to maintain sanity (and to keep from wanting to strangle random people). Realization: I actually feel better on my low carb days then I do on the high carb days. From what I read in the research and testimonials from other people who have done this they all commented on how they struggles through the low carb days to get to that high carb recover. After my second high carb day (today) I noticed that I feel much stronger and "cleaner" inside on my low carb days. I can feel the tightness of my muscles (that sounds it in a non-vain way, please) when my body is processing all of the protein it is fed on those days. I wonder if the blood sugar issues I have make the high carb days difficult for my body to process after going 3 days without a lot. Not being a doctor, I can't make any extremely educated guessing on the technical science behind it, I just know how my body feels.

Now, what I've been working on the past week or so, is establishing my exact diet for the next 2 weeks along with preparing and freezing meals to have ready at all times. The main reason I am making and freezing meals is because I am "on call". At any point (hopefully within the next week or so) I will be getting a phone call that requires me to make a trip home to Vermont. My best friend and very close cousin (same person) is expecting her second child. Since I was there for the delivery of her first born, I hope to make it the 7 hours home in time for this delivery or at least part of it. The doctors have warned her that it will be a quick delivery so I am preparing myself to get out of town as soon as called!

Most importantly, just before I started this carb cycling, I told my husband that as a reward (obviously non-food related) once I reach 18.4% or lower I would treat myself to a mani/pedi. Guess who just so happen to reach 18.4% today :)

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